
Developing Christlike Characters


God reveals in Scripture that He values children and has a plan for their lives. Therefore, the nursery at TCF is designed to model the basics of Christian community. Infants and toddlers who stay in the nursery during services receive love and care from experienced volunteers who view serving in the nursery as kingdom work. While parents participate in worship, their young children play together, listen to worship music, and discover their new world in a safe and clean environment. The nursery at TCF is equipped for children between 6 weeks and 2 years of age.

Sunday School

Our chief goal at TCF is ensuring that all people — children and adults alike — have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are living lives characterized by love for God and love for others. Therefore, we provide age-appropriate Sunday school classes for children (preschool through eighth grade) during the teaching time on Sunday morning.

While we value Sunday school and children’s ministries, we know that weekly 30-minute lessons cannot prepare children for all that they will face in life. With this in mind, we desire to partner with families to equip children for righteous living. One way that we are able to support parents is through family worship. Sunday morning services begin with the entire TCF family singing praise together before the children are dismissed for Sunday school classes. Additionally, young people remain in the service to participate in communion on the first Sunday of each month. These shared experiences give parents quality opportunities to discuss the importance of worshipping the One True God.

The Gospel Project

TCF uses The Gospel Project by Lifeway as their current children’s curriculum.