Mark Beverly
Shortly after Mark was married, he and his wife were praying about what kind of church they’d want to raise their children in. They wanted to be a part of a place they could call “home” and with people they could call “family”. Those two words summarize TCF and Mark pretty well. He loves just being at home…whether that is working in the yard, piddling around on some little project that needs to be done or just relaxing on the couch. He also loves being with family….that is why he built their current home right next to his brother’s family and his parents in Advance, NC. His family begins with his heavenly Father who loved him, gave His only Son for him, and is preparing an eternal home so he can live with Him forever. He is the one who gave Mark a wonderful wife (Lucy) and three amazing children (Lindsey, Andrew and Kaylin). He is also the one who answered their prayer by providing them a home church and an extended family in TCF.
Mark was blessed to grow up in a Christian home and receive a Christian education. In his teen years, the Lord gave him a desire to please and serve Him with his life. Not knowing what He had in store for him, Mark decided to get one year of focused Bible training at Word of Life Bible Institute in upstate New York. He then pursued one of his God given passions (flying) in a desire to serve Him as a missionary pilot. After experiencing some serious motion sickness, he went after another passion (computers) and received a BS in Computer Systems & Operations Management from UNCG and later an MBA. Today, Mark earns a living as an IT manager at VF Corporation in Greensboro, NC.
At TCF, he strives to use his gifts of administration and teaching as he serves as an elder, Sunday school teacher, and various other functions alongside the brothers and sisters in Christ… his family.