Alan Malchuk
There’s a kid’s story Alan used to read to his children called The Velveteen Rabbit. The boy’s stuffed bunny has aspirations of becoming “real” and inquires of the “Skin Rocking Horse” what it takes. There he learns it is only in living close in relationship with his boy, becoming well-worn and possibly torn, that he could ultimately become “real.”
As Alan lives life, the closeness of genuine relationships have been changing him. Through being a husband, dad, regular guy, neighbor, counselor and pastor (too), God is using these influences to help him become “real.” He is grateful to Him and wants to continue this journey.
Here’s a short version of why Alan is at TCF.
The Lord worked through his relationship with George Byrum and their two year process of prayer together to birth Triad Christian Fellowship back in 1999. Years earlier, in his childhood, he became a follower of Jesus. He has grown in his understanding of that relationship through a lifetime of influences. Alan’s parents raised him in the church, and after high school, he attended Emmaus Bible School, getting early exposure and training in how to study the Word. He later graduated from Barrington College in RI, with a BA in psychology. He next went to Colorado State University where he got a Masters in Social Work.
Alan serves at TCF as a bi-vocational pastor and elder. He splits his time between serving the church and a counseling practice working with individuals, marriages and families.
Alan is married to his one-love, Mary. The couple have 4 kids who delight them: three daughters and a son and two sons-in-law. Marriage, parenting, pastoring, and counseling have been rich influences and practical schools toward becoming “real” in the Christian faith.